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Hey Kasturi, A very important question indeed. If you have reached this question in your mind that means you have exhausted all conventional sources of knowledge/information/wisdom! Now although it depends which age bracket or career category you are in or what is your educational/work experience profile, you should always get yourself assessed. Now getting yourself assessed on what? Well again, if you were in high school, I would have said Aptitude+Personality+Interest. If you are in college or a young professional, I would say primarily personality. Apart from psychometric personality
Hello Sachin, Sorry this is not a career related query. And more so over, please note information about a hostel would be possible, only when you go and visit the hostel and check it out yourself. While moving around, only you would get a feeling and that is important. rest what happens in-campus is something you cannot control. So either be ready for the environment or straight opt for a PG Accommodation nearby the college. Wish you good luck...
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