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Law can be an incredibly rewarding career if you’re passionate about it, but it does come with its challenges. It’s not just about knowing the law—it’s also about navigating processes and staying organized. From my experience, having the right resources makes all the difference. For instance, when I had to deal with serving legal d, I found One Source Process <a href=" be a lifesaver. It’s little things like that that can save you time and stress in the long run. If you’re thinking abo
Hello Meenakshi, Welcome to career guide .com Thanks for approaching us with your career query . Law as a career is one of the respectable career . Many students aspire to make a career in law. Lawyer is a person who studies the law and interprets them for the layman. The work of lawyer is now not restricted to the court rooms it has moved much beyond . Lawyers are needed in the various work settings like Coporates,Banks,Financial Institutes etc. In order to opt for the law there are two ways to go for it - 1. Apply for 5 year law course after completing 12th irrespective of your stream. 2.A
thankyou wonderful reply sir
Hi there, Firstly interesting career options and Secondly good that you have opted for Math in 12th and thirdly, but the most important is prepare well for your exams. It is the HSC, the most important exam that will help you to choose a career in the future. Yes. I did say 12th is important. Good and I agree that you are brilliant in academics, but you never know what kind of paper is set in the future. So it is a risk one needs to take. So better would be to work hard and appear and clear 12th wilh flying colours as wel;l as prepare for [CLAT][1]. Mind you though, for LAW, CLAT is importan
Hi Jaya,You can pursue BA LLB degree as it is more popularized and in demand. As per my suggestion it is good if you pursue one course at a time as you can concentrate more on it. Many universities does not allow to pursue any course or job with their degree . After completion of your BA LLB course you can take up part time or distance course in any law specialization along with practice. All extra specializations done are add on to you profile. Which will help you to get better job opportunities. Hope this helpsGood luck
Hello Khushi,Welcome to MEra Career Guide!!!I hope you are doing well . Its good to know that though you belong toVillage area still you have an aspiration to do further studies. Just keep atyour confidence don't let it down and their is no such thing if you are fromvillage so you will not excel in your life. Many famous personalities are fromvillage and they have proved that if you have the determination you can achieveanything in the world.So do the preparation with sheer great spirit anddefinitely you will reach your destination. Well congratulations for completing your BA!!!As you hav
Hello My Dear MBA Aspirant,Its really sad that inspite of completeing your Nursuing graduation successfully you dont wish to continue in that stream for your future career life. Can you tell us why you wish to change your career path suddenly and wish to enter into the business management or law field? I am asking this to you, since the answer you give will give many answers to your career confusion and diversion.I am happy that you approached the right platform of for seeking guidance and advice on your career query. I am sure that the experts here will be able to guide you ap
Dear Friend, Thank you very much for coming with your query on this platform. We are very happy to assist you and solve your query with an appropriate guidance.I am an BSL.LLB, LLM, PGDBCL, PGDBM, PGDCL.I am also an advocate and therefore I can answer your question very well.There is no compulsion of doing a B.Com if you want to pursue an LLB. Anybody who is having a graduate degree can get an admission in LLB degree. The only requirement is to have a Graduate Degree to enroll in LLB.If you do not want to do a graduation and you want to take an admission direct in LLB then that is also po
Hi Friend, The first and the easiest and most popular step now a days Law Graduates does is that they try to get a job in an LPO ( Legal Process Outsourcing). This is a very different kind of a job for any of the Law Graduate since they will not have an idea of what LPO does untill and unless you go for an interview and you come to know. In this field the foreign law firms or corporation outsource their legal work to LPO and LPOs will do legal work on the clients behalf. By doing this you can get a good amount of money which is 20 to 25 thousand minimum for
Dear Friend,Thank you very much for coming on this platform with your query in hope to find the answer of your question. We are really very happy to assist you finding a suitable answer to your question.In last 5 years Law field has gone from 0 to 100. I am being an Advocate can understand this very well and I have seen the development happening in from of my eyes. It is one of the most challengin and rewarding field these days which can not just earn you money but also fame, name and reputation.Ther are 100s of companies, organisations, law firms and lpos in India who hires law graduates. But
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