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Dear Saransh, Thanks for raising your query at [][1]! I really appreciate your interests [to be entrepreneur][2]. Career counselors have already responded to your query so I would not repeat what they have shared. **Determine Area of Business** From your query, it is not clear area of venture. You have also not mentioned your stream of the study. I have few questions for you to answer. Which is your preferred area of business you are interested to start? Medical, technology, product selling (what kind of product?), [What type of business are you interested into? Cons
Thanks for putting up the query. You have asked four key questions and I would to answer one by one. **(1) Is there scope in future if I go for Bachelors in Entrepreneurship?** Scope depend on what do you expect from the course. Why do you want to pursue [the Bachelors in Entrepreneurship][1]? Do you want to [start own business or want to do job?][2] If you want to start own business, then, doing short term courses would be more useful than doing under-graduate course (Bachelors). If you want to become a consultant or want to enter into academics or service, then Bachelors, Masters and M P
Dear Aspirant, Thanks for approaching us at [CareerGuide][1]. Please make sure your Resume / CV is in proper format, with complete necessary details and appealing to the employer. I definitely feel, that you can look out for jobs in the Quality section based on your previous experience. I suggest you to approach job consultants instead of relying on just job portals. Job consultants can give you personalised attention and help you. Getting into business, just because you are not getting a job is not correct thinking. No one in the business field also does not mean that you cant do busine
Hello Thank you for choosing [Meracareerguide][1] and writing to us. It is certainly appreciating to see you have identified what interests you. Yes, you can very well choose to study a Business degree right after studying 12th Arts course. The ideal course choice for you will be obviously [a BBA degree - Bachelor of business administration][2]. This is a three year bachelors degree and will also let you specialise in one stream of business. So this requires you to choose what you want to specialise in, and you may start thinking right from now. So what kind of business you want to es
Hello My Dear, Powerful Businessman??? My Dear, instead aim for being a good businessman first. It appears that you are obsessed with business tycons or personalities you see on TV giving interviews, travel by expensive cars and jets, have many secretaries to serve and guards to salute them at every point or in movies. My Dear, this is just a glamour but the most difficult thing is the efforts they have taken to reach this level of glamour and richness. No businessman was rich before but became rich after sheer hardwork, making people happy and serving them endlessly. I am glad that you br
Dear Nilanshu, Congrats for thinking bold - [Entrepreneurship][1] is a very bold step, its about risking and living not only your own dreams but dreams of many others whom you end up employing. To be a good business person, yes you don't need an MBA , likes of Sunil Mittal never got a degree in MBA but still they have created huge businesses. It's passion, determination, right strategies and right contact which can [help in making business big.][2] An MBA from top notch B School definitely helps to get good contact and also some good theoretical knowledge, but it is never a licence to m
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
MD PhD,(CABMM) and University Hospital Zurich
Teacher at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Bokaro
PhD Organizational Psychology
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Vinay Wardhan - Director at Career Path Solutions
Consulting Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Hiring for wordpress developer / HR managers / Operations/ content
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