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This is a typical query asked by freshers and even experienced professionals at various transitional points of their career.
I can suggest few aspects to decide things with logic.
Dear Friend
Of course your analysis parameter will be taking care of the many references also wherein good and bad examples will be treated as negative and positive control but your interest will be constant at any circumstances.
Hi! Dont feel, lot of things are there to achieve in your life. First of all you list out your talents and unability. Based on your list, again list out which you can highly powerful of your talents and list out your Huge inability in your list.Now go through the talent which one is high you will achieve as possible as quickly. In that particular talent you find what are the chances to achieve, where it it, how you can grab that, when you are going to start?If you find this you can achieve easily.Lot of Legend achieved after they failed many times only. And don't feel about your family background, Financial background, and friends, and relatives.You believe you because this manthra only will lead to you to achieve in your life.If you have less education go with any business which is not required for education. If you have less amount go with any business which is need less amount to do business. So life is so beautiful please try to utilize it to success otherwise you will lost not only your life your friends, relatives, masters and well wishers also.
See some of handicap guys are achieving lot in their life and still they are trying to do something but we are still thinking negatively and trying to skipping from our responsibilities. So go ahead think positive do well and success in your life,then one day you will be a roll model to others.
Hello dear friend....
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