Drishti Gupta

If I wish to do b.sc in botany/zoology den what will be the career options in it and pay scale in it?

Currently I m in 12 class studying science with bio ...i m almost sure about it that i'll not be able to crack medical examination .... so I was thining what to do after 12 ... if I wish to do b.sc in botany/zoology then it would make a good career or nor ... are there good job options with good pay scale ... what to know more about it and other options with job oppurtunuties

by Drishti Gupta
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RE: If I wish to do b.sc in botany/zoology den what will be the career options in it and pay scale in it?

Dr Rupa Talukdar
Dr Rupa Talukdar
Verified Career Expert
Chief Executive Counsellor at Mind's Eye-
  • Kolkata

Don't be worried about your Career when you are studying-each subject has career option if you think of it patiently; you are from Bio-background and studying plus II level-right!

Other than Medical you have many options if you are the student of Bio-; but you need to know you first.
From your question I get the point that you are not so interested in study more attentively because you
  • anxiety prone
  • depressive
  • pays heed to the others' view
  • average student
  • not good in maths
  • no favourite subject which you feel passionately
First of all know your favourite option skill wise-then follow your emotion .
there is a term like Allied Health Science-please go through it-in every career option you need to crack Entrance Test-this is called Aptitude Test-that will help you to know your skill in the subject you gave likeness/preference option.
Don't be apprehend situation unless and until you meet the true situation.
So be brave, mindful and get engrossed in present study; what you say it is the version of adult of your family member.
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