
Is there is any course after bsc nursing in usa?

Am a final year bsc nursing student in india .Am a green card holder in usa but iam not interested in nursing proffesion so i would like to study any other course .Can you helpme?

by Prittykovoor
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RE: Is there is any course after bsc nursing in usa?

manojjnu Kumar
manojjnu Kumar

Dear Friend

Your degree bsc nursing is equivalent to BSN in USA, an indian with green card is authorized to pursue a job or education but it is a matter of chance. You may need to qualify the CGFNS which is mandatory to go one step ahead in the rigorous and competitive MS program in USA, Even for US Citizen it is a tough nut. I am not sure about other specialization but you can give a try to any of the following relevant subjects which might me interesting for you:

MS in Microbiology / Biological Sciences/ Natural Sciences/ Bio stat/ Bio informatics / Remote sensing / Nano technology / Information technology/ Earth Sciences/ Geology/ etc : Just see the pre-requisite subjects for this course structure and get the equivalency report along with the credit required for the said courses only then you will be given admission.

As we know US study approach at Under Grade level is different from India they have several optional or pre-requisites after secondary which is known as post secondary education which takes four years to complete and then they go for graduation which is highly advanced as compare to Indian system.

Therefore you are advised to check the list of per-requisites for a program at master level, though university system has unique basket to offer you for your desired subject, better you check any online available Alma mater for the University in USA which will help you structurally.

As I know USA model system encourages the global community for the academic upliftment and accordingly they have designed their curricula at international standard. Now a days it is very easy to explore the basket of modules for an academic calender and accordingly you start preparing.

Once you are clear with the subject matter then start to work out on ground level as you have green card so directly contact Office of USA Consulate in India or post your query certainly you will receive the guidelines about the possibilities available for you. At the same time you may contact any authorized and authenticated consultant in India which deals with study visa for USA. Be assured that you are not reveling your facts with fake officials those are cheating young aspirants in the name of migration.

My humble suggestion to you that you explore your path on your own, directly post your CV, transcripts to any of the universities through the proper manner and then wait for the response but mere application by one or two sends not going to solve your purpose rather keep posting as per their requirements and maximize the chances.

Hope it will help you, you may call us directly for further clarity.

Good luck
Manoj Kumar

RE: Is there is any course after bsc nursing in usa?

Ravi Thakor
Ravi Thakor
Verified Career Expert
Business Analyst at Capital Novus
  • Ahmedabad

Your B.Sc Nursing is the same as the BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) in the US. US requires equivalent to a BSN for entry on a green card and to pursue an MSN (Masters of Science in Nursing). Your best bet would be to go straight for the Bachelor's if possible. Depending on the state where you want to work, you may need to take the CGFNS exam. All nurses working in the US must take the NCLEX exam. You will also have to write your English exams. The score that you get form those are only valid for two years so don't try to get that done now.

You can work as an RN(Registered Nurse) after just two years with either a diploma or an ADN Associate degree in nursing. All the current RN's in US must possess a 4 year degree certificate to be allowed to continue their work. It isn't a single state that is requiring it for their nurses alone; it is the US Government in order to get a green card. CGFNS will not permit you to sit for their exam with just the diploma. NCLEX will not allow a foreign nurse to sit for the exam with just the diploma any longer because the Visa Screen is now required and that requires a four year degree.

Only way around that is to attend nursing school in the US. Then you would be able to practice in many states with just the two year program. But getting into school is getting more difficult and many have a waiting list.

Since you would be considered a foreign student and would have to pay full tuition for most programs, there are some private schools available and even some community colleges that are in smaller cities.

The requirements to obtain a green card are that you have a four year degree if you trained in a foreign country. If you do your training in the US, then a two year degree would be fine from a US accredited nursing program. Visa Screen only verifies credentials; it has nothing to do with evaluating your classes, etc. For the green card, it states that you must be a "professional" nurse, and this means the four year degree for their purposes.

Visa Screen needs to be done every 5 years and this just validates what you have done.

The green card is the one that has the requirements and that is the only visa available for a nurse to work in the US currently being offered.

First, you need to find out exactly from your nursing school if it is equivalent to a BSN, if not what courses are lacking. If there are nurses going to work as registered nurses in the US, then perhaps your program is equivalent to. The law specifies equivalent to a BSN, not that it must be a BSN.

And what type of visas are these nurses going on? Green card requires equivalent to a BSN. It also depends if they are going with a spouse who has a work permit and the spouse is allowed to work on some of those. That is something else to take into consideration. If you are applying for a visa on your own, and not through a spouse, you must meet the educational requirements set forth.

I am not an immigration attorney, I only know the laws that I deal with on a daily basis. If you don't believe what I am telling you, please consult a lawyer where you are. I just know what the US Immigration laws state.

Many colleges offer programs for either the BSN or ADN all over the US.

With being a student you are given an F-1 visa, a student visa, the US Government does not allow you to work with this type of visa.

If you look at the threads under "student nurse" you will find many programs discussed and talked about. With the private schools, the tuition is more, but you should be able to get in much quicker.

P.S:- I don't trust many of those ads that you see from recruiters. There is actually a large group of Indian nurses that went over to the US under an H1-B visa when they were still available, and none of them could pass the three parts of the English exams. They were in Michigan that is why I know of it from a friend who works with an immigration lawyer based there.Many of those contracts are essentially for slave labor at wages that are horrible.

This is equivalent to the 'professional course' in US as they mention in the law that is required for Visa Screen Requirements.

This is the detail of a Course for a four years course.


I Anatomy and physoiogy Theory Hours -120

II Behavioural science Theory Hours- 60
1) psychology Theory Hours- 40
2) sociology Theory Hours- 20

III Fundamentals of nursing Theory Hours- 215 Clinical Hours- 612

1 Fundamentals of nursing Theory Hours- 175
2 First Aid Theory Hours- 20
3 Personal hygiene Theory Hours- 20

IV Community health nursing Theory Hours- 150 Clinical Hours- 288
1 community health nursing Theory Hours- 80
2 Environmental hygiene Theory Hours- 20
3 Health Education &
communication Skill Theory Hours- 20
4 Nutrition Theory Hours- 30

V English Theory Hours- 30

TOTAL Theory Hours- 575 Clinical Hours- 900


I Medical surgical nursing Theory Hours- 140 Clinical Hours- 414

II Medical surgical nursing2 Theory Hours- 120 Clinical Hours- 414

III Mental health& psychiatric
nursing Theory Hours- 70 Clinical Hours- 215

IV Computer Education Theory Hours- 30

V Community health nursing Theory Hours- 72

TOTAL Theory Hours- 360 Clinical Hours- 1115


I Gynaecology Theory Hours- 120 Clinical Hours- 758

II Community health nursing2 Theory Hours-100 Clinical Hours- 215

III Pediatric nursing Theory Hours- 70 Clinical Hours- 288

TOTAL Theory Hours- 290 Clinical Hours- 1261

INTERNSHIP(6 months)

I Educational methods for teaching
in practice of nursing Theory Hours- 45

II Introduction to Research Theory Hours- 40

III Professional trend and
adjustment Theory Hours- 40

IV Administration and ward
management Theory Hours- 45

V Health economics Theory Hours- 20

VI Medical surgical nursing1&2 Clinical Hours- 252

VII Community Health nursing Clinical Hours- 168

VIII Psychiatric Nursing Clinical Hours- 126

IX Paediatric Nursing Clinical Hours- 126

X Gynaecology Clinical Hours- 168

XI Speciality(intern area of interest) Clinical Hours- 84

Total Theory Hours- 194 Clinical Hours- 920

I hope the above answer is clear to you and satisfied your query as well.
If you have further questions please do let me know and come back to me.

Till than I wish you all the very best to you and wish you a good luck.

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RE: Is there is any course after bsc nursing in usa?

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