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I want to enter into any course as a biology student having biology as the core.I need to know about the available courses in Biology after 12?
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Dear friend
Biology has many many options-more you know more you get confused-as you are very young. So before select final one please try to know surfing Google for the preliminary knowledge of each biological options. after plus II you can grow with Biology if you have either good marks or have subjects like followings:
After Graduation you have many super fine course in Master Level/Post Graduation Level-so Biology has many options.
Dear FriendBiology is such a subject where life is understood my multidimensional approaches where entire technologyical world is involved and giving a multidisciplinary and trnasdisciplinary approaches into the contemporary research. Now it is you waht you want to do in biological world as I am going to explain you the available oportunities in this area where you have to understand your potential with the suitability approach:1. General biology: It is life sciences which include botany and zoology just after 10th pass. Followed by B.Sc or B.Sc hons in specialized subject either in zoology or botany where you will study biology system wise. Zoology gives the detail knowlege about animal sciences and other species which make you brings you to the intricacies of biological facts. Similarly botany captures all the facts of flora -plant species from unicellelular to multicellular level. Overall general biology or life sciences explains the dundamentals of flora and fauna and gives you the strength to explore the application of biology which will be explained at the latter stage.
Dear Aspirant, your question is very interesting, since you are 12 standard and wish to make biology subject as career. After 12 standard, you should try for medical entrance examination. To crack it, you have to study the subjects (biology, physcics, chemistry) nicely. If possible you may take caoching for guidance and consult previous years question papers to understand the pattern of examination. Ther is another subject, after medical sciences, that is veterinary sciecnes, a course of five years. This course has lot of scope and a veterniary graduate can join government organization as Vetrenarian. But for further grwoth in career you should pursue masters degree in veterinary sciences. An agricultural graduate is also a very good subject in biology. An agricultural graduate is eligible for Agricultural Development Officer (ADO). There is seperate exam for BSc Agriculture and BVSc. In some universities, the admission is based on merit list i.e. on the basis of marks obtained in 12 standard. Besides these subjects there are many more biology subjects such as :BSc in zoology, botany and chemistry; after this you may pursue masters degree in zoology, botany, microbiology and biotechnologyBSc in Botany, microbiology and biochemistry; after graduation, you may pursue masters degree in botany, biochemistry, biotechnology and microbiologyBSc in Zoology, botany, Microbiology, after this you may pursue Masters degree in Marine sciences, Fishery sciencesBSc in Microbiology, Biotechnology, after this you may pursue MSc in Microbiology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, NanobiotechnologyBSc in Foresnsic sciences and masters degree in same field.
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Mrs. Halima is a postgraduate in psychology from Osmania University and a International Diploma in Guidance & Counseling in collaboration with COL, Canada. She posses Enormous experience in Academic and Psychological Counseling and had done Project on “Counseling & Guidance using ACA & APA standards “, “Motivation to enhance academic achievements”,” Comparative analysis of Self Confidence of undergraduate boys & girls”. She had worked as an Academic Research Associate at Indian Institute of Management, Indore. She specializes in educational, career and academic counseling and guidance, Organizational behavior.
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Mr Ajit is an Expert Biomedical Researcher trained in Biomedical engineering and Clinical Medicine. he had working experience with multidisciplinary international basic and clinical researchers.He had also worked in independent project management in clinical research.His outclass contribution in publications related to his field also counts in for his specialization.
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Mr. Prathamesh is a Certified Career Consultant by Psytech International (bps) UK and is also a Certified Trainer for Life Skills; he is pursuing Narrative Therapy from Adelaide, Australia. He has been in to career counseling for more than 8 years now he practices MINDFULNESS psychotherapy with students. He possesses vast experience in teaching and career counseling. Currently he is associated with FUEL NGO. He had counseled over laces of students and is a founder director of Canvas Career Consultancy, committed to conduct Psychometric assessments for students and do career counseling by making them aware about new career avenues
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