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I am a student from medical side, I did my 12 from bio nd gave 3 attempts for pmt and got govt dental colleges but no medical college, then for my graduation I have taken admission in a local college, m doing graduation in chem, botany, zoology. But I am very depressed. I don't understand what to do now, after graduation I am interested in mba, but in what field should I do my graduation from??
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Dear aspirantWelcome to CareerGuide.comWe are more than happy to help you choose a perfect career.Your age group is supposed to be the most creative. Creativity is at its best during your age group and often we do mistakes. Being an educational and health psychologist and career counselor and having 10 years of experience in this area, I can perfectly explain you why are you facing such a confusing situation. Definitely, this is not your mistake. You did appear PMT three times and could only get admission in dental colleges. You took admission for graduation in a local college. Fine. Why are you depressed? There is a way for every thing. And depressed is not the correct word. I think you are simple dissatisfied with how the time goes. Again this happens to all youngsters because they are not clear about their future. Even those people enter medical field gets confused because of the vastness of syllabus and start thinking "is it my career path?". So you are not at the wrong path.
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