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Political Science
As many of us don't really know what political science HON is about, some ask is it about Political parties? Or do you want to be a politician? As I have to tell you it's a lot more than political parties or winning the election.It encompasses many broad areas of daily life. For example - government and people, public administration and their importance, International relations Etc
Public Administration
So the main job of a public official is to implement the government policies and it's their responsibility to see that execution of any policy is done precisely and without any flaws. One needs to know about the Constitution and how the government works and deals with people in order to be a public officer. Surely it's not easy to secure a government job with stiff competition but a good foundation in knowledge of public policy which is a part of political science is very important.
Media / News Reporting
There are plenty of examples of famous news reporters who have a background in political science. An individual with knowledge of government and their policies would be preferred over other candidates who don't possess that knowledge if one wants to become a news reporter then a degree in political science (HON) will be the first step in right direction. International news channels like CNN, Al-Jazeera hire regional news reporters who have a good knowledge of the political system of a country and about their national and local political parties.
International Relations
If you want to travel to different countries or work in a foreign land then you could do that by pursuing your career in international relations. Many Indian diplomats who deal with other countries have a huge responsibility to represent India at the global level. (UN) United Nations or World Bank, (IMF) International Monetary Fund all these International organizations are of great value and anyone to be part of it must have knowledge of international relations which is very necessary.
Career in government sector
If you are planning to work as a government employee then a degree in political science is just wonderful. Who will not like a job in which one gets health benefits, job security, and pension after retirement? So there are various government jobs and other job opportunities in public sector as well will discuss some of them in the following section.
Political science students can give UPSC Exam in order to acquire most precious civil service jobs which also are one of the toughest competitive exams in India.Every year more than 11 lakh candidates appear for the exam and only a small percentage gets to the interview process.But hard work is key to success and many people take political science in college so to have better knowledge of civil services and of government.
Some benefits of government jobs:-
Career in Private Sector
There is a wide range of jobs available in private sector for political science students, Companies, in order to function, need political advisors who look in the matters of Legal problems that ever company or firm deal with on daily basis.There are a lot of teaching jobs available both in private and government school and colleges. The salary is pretty good with decent working hours also one can work as an assistant teacher to gain experience which is required by some universities.
One thing everyone needs to understand is that simply by having a degree in any field will not secure a job for you the personal qualities such as hard work and determination gives you that extra edge over others.Best of luck to all those who are planning about their future because you have already taken the first necessary step.
A career as a political scientist can very be exciting and there are endless opportunities the only thing to find out is your area of expertise and then concentrating on what you like to become.
For further queries and related information, you can approach the Professional Experts at CareerGuide. Hope this will help you!
Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Mr Tejas is a practicing Career Psychologist. He is a certified Master Trainer of Life Skills from (Khemka Foundation) Delhi and holds more than five year of experience as Career Psychologist and life skill trainer. He has counselled around 50,000+ students over conferences in various part of country .Scholarships and competitive exams are his special areas.
Subject Matter Expert in Chemical Engineering
Mr Apporva is a Senior Research Fellow on UGC –SAP Fellowship for Ph.D in Green Technology in Chemical Engineering Department at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai. He holds M.Tech in Applied Nanotechnology and Adhesion .He is a subject Matter expert in Chemical Engineering. His work experience includes M.Tech-Project at Center for Materials for Electronics Technology, Project Co-ordinator at Green Vitals Biotech etc. He had successfully conducted several seminars related to his field. He also have few publication to his name “Future Generation High Performance Polymeric Nano composites for Aviation and Space” is one of them
Career Counselor/Canadian Education and Visa Expert
Ms.Deepali is a graduate from Delhi university. She excels in providing personal guidance at the critical stages of making choices for education at any level be it Grade 10th or Post Graduate Level.she had over 12 year of experience in the field of education and counselling. she had worked with education UK, British council India and Canadian education center India.currently she is a director of NovaEdu ,advising students on education and career in India and abroad.
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