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I want to pursue my career in teaching but am confused whether I will get job oversees or middle east in the field.
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Hello There! Looking at your query, I very much appreciate your intention to get into teaching as a career and your intention to teach oversees or in the middle east.
Firstly, I would like to tell you that there are different levels and types of people into teaching field. People teaching in schools are called as teachers. People teaching in college are called as lecturers. People teaching in post graduate colleges are called as Faculties / Professors. People who are from industry and teach in post graduate or under graduate colleges are called as Visiting Faculties.
Therefore I assume that you would like to be a lecturer in institutes oversees or in middle east. However I would also tell you about how to be the other types apart from being a lecturer.
Basically for being a lecturer, it is very good if you are a post graduate in the relevant field of study. If you want to be a lecturer in an engineering college, you have to be an M.Tech or M.E at least. If you wish to be a lecturer in a commerce / arts / science under graduate college, then you need to be atleast an MCom, MA, MSc respectively in the relevant field of study. If you wish to be a lecturer in a post graduate management college, then you need to be atleast a masters degree holder and preferably an MBA apart from the relevant graduation degree. For oversees or in middle east, this is the same criteria. In oversees these days, colleges demand that apart from the required and relevant qualifications, one has to have some years of relevant and related industry experience, may of minimum five years and above. This requirement has come up since now the courses are getting industry aligned instead of being text book oriented or theory oriented.
There is also a requirement for lecturers to be NET / SET qualified (NET means National Eligibility Test and SET means State Eligibility Test conducted by UGC). This is mandatory requirement for people wanting to teach in non-engineering colleges.
For being a teacher in a school, you have to be minimum graduate and also need to have a degree in education like BEd or MEd (Bachelor / Masters in Education).
For being a Professor in a post gradute college, you preferably need to be a Doctorate in the relevant field. Needless to say, one needs to have a post graduate degree too.
For being a Visiting Faculty (industry expert), there is no rule of qualifications however it is very much important to have the relevant and size able amount of work experience along with a recommended post graduate degree.
For pursuing a successful and stable teaching career, whether in India or oversees, a PhD is highly recommended.
Best Luck.
Dear Friend you must know the lectureship jobs in various subjects are highly demanding world wide still there is shortage at higher degree level as we know the ratio of degree holder manpower in global population so I must recomend you to go for such higher degree so that you will be listed in top level of job chasers where unemploybility is no where. Follow the steps as per the requirement and reach the target with your dedication, effort, pattience and self motivation only then you can realize the dream:1. After a brilliant performance at school level where you have scored descently and then enrolled at 12th level in your subject of interest where your transcript will give you confidence to opt as well as your better undersatnding and comfort level will lead you to that subject automatically. This way will enable you to do the self judgment which is the best way to reach your goal, you will not blame your fate or any body else that i have taken wrong subject for my interest so no chance to take U turn.2. After 12th you will be graduated in a particular specialized subject while doing course you will be incubating your interest and giving an honest effort to understand with your exceptional vision that is very important to adapt any course not to obtain the degree rather will develop the aquintancy to contribute or add something specail. This will bring you to the man of any subject like APJ Abdul Kalam who does not any need of intro he is known for his contribution as a missile man.
Dear FriendLectureship job either in India or abroad is very fascinating job requires higher studies and sound knowledge in specialized manner so one can teach a specialized subject with full comitment, conviction and interest.
First you look at your basic qualification as you have not mentioned anything about your current highest qualification so i would like to explain you the entire journey of education to join lecturership or assistant professor in any college or university abroad. Master degree is the mere fullfillment at qualification level for both India and abroad. Better you explore the master degree program in instititution or university abroad and accordingly you will adapt their academic temperamnet and system and further you will be given preference for the job also. Moreover acceptance in India is also very high. Therefore you start to prepare and explore the informations related to abroad studies: 1. First try to know the first line of requirent like GRE or TOEFL which is the primafacy to qualify do it at the earliest. Many recognised agencies are available in India just explore them specifically for TOEFL and get proper guidelines but do not be much dependent in the sense of migration or study visa as many fake agencies promise you lot more regarding the settlement abroad. 2. Once you obtain the minimum qualification to through the proper gateway and then see your graduation background as you know the relevent background is mandetory to opt the higher degree. Further explore the website of universities which offer the program for your subject interest. Accordingly you see their invitiation and available oportunity at master level, parallaly you can see the department wise program and contact the concern professor in that subject. Make sure your profile and statement of purpose are the designed in best way where coherency reflects for the best suited program at their place only then they will respond you. Once they say ok you apply through the proper channel and further you will be tested as per their terms and conditions. Next step is to see the sponsorship for your study otherwise it is very tough to manage. Many scholorships are available at international level you need to check them.Best
Thank you for choosing careerguide and writing to us. I am happy to guide you on your interest in teaching abroad. I understand you are asking about being a Lecturer at overseas institutions, preferably Middle East. I am not clear about your educational background as you have not mentioned any. But I would write a brief reply to help you understand.Lecturers are employees working at University level. They preferably teach at colleges and Universities at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. Lots of universities abroad allow Lecturers to teach PG students but doesn't restrict only with UG. But they only encourage Professor levels to teach for Professional degrees like the MBA. To teach abroad you need the following qualifications.
Dear friend, you have not mentioned, what you are doing right now, or what subjects you have studied in 10+2 or graduation. To get a overseas job, it is not that big thing. There are lot of job opportunities overseas starting from education, technical person or non technical person. You have to decide in which field you work to wish. Let me give you my example, I have done MSc and PhD in Microbiology (general), after doctoral degree, I worked for three years in a project then joined as lecturer in a college. This was the time, I gained necessary experience and increased my qualifications by publishing many research papers. Therafter, I joined in Middle East as Microbiologist in Ministry of agriculture, spent eight years and now working as an academecian in a reputed university. To get a job of overseas lecturer, you have to have post graduate degree and then doctoral degree in subject of your choice. The countries like USA, Canada and in other western hemisphere generally prefer degree from their countries or from any western univeristy.I have friends, who are working in USA, Australia, but they have done Post Doctoral degree before making an entry into organization. To get a job of lecturer abroad, you should score good academic grades, have good research papers or books to your credit. The reason being is that to get a job abroad, the competition is very severe. In Middle East, the job of a lecturer is very lucrative, but the mind set of those recruiters is that they want a person holding a degree (either masters or doctoral or post doctoral) only from the western hemisphere. In their opinion, person holding the degree from western country knows more.
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Mrs. Halima is a postgraduate in psychology from Osmania University and a International Diploma in Guidance & Counseling in collaboration with COL, Canada. She posses Enormous experience in Academic and Psychological Counseling and had done Project on “Counseling & Guidance using ACA & APA standards “, “Motivation to enhance academic achievements”,” Comparative analysis of Self Confidence of undergraduate boys & girls”. She had worked as an Academic Research Associate at Indian Institute of Management, Indore. She specializes in educational, career and academic counseling and guidance, Organizational behavior.
CEO, Abhivyakti - the Expression
Vikramaditya Duggal is heading his own organisation - Abhivyakti - the Expression. It specialises in training, coaching and consulting services for people, leadership and organizational development. He is a professional banker. He worked in State Bank of India for 22 years. He held a variety of roles and responsibilities during that period. He took early retirement to pursue his passion in the field of learning and development. He was Assistant General Manager and faculty member in State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad when he took retirement. Thereafter, he worked in Administrative Staff College of India and Centre for Organization Development, Hyderabad where he developed and delivered a variety of programs in the field of Organizational Behaviour. Some of his areas of interest include Leadership – an inside-out approach, Emotional Intelligence, Coaching, Communication & Presentation Skills, Negotiation Skills, Team Building and Work Life Balance. He also has the expertise of conducting Out-bound Learning Activities. He is associated with many organizations as Consultant Trainer. He has delivered more than 20 programmes in Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. In his experience of over 12 years in the field of Learning & Development, he has interacted with more than 11000 participants from public, private, government sectors and NGOs. He facilitates personal and organizational transformation by encouraging people to discover their hidden potential and take responsibility for change.
PhD Organizational Psychology
Dr. Aparna has a PhD in Organizational Psychology from the UK and is researching about Indian women and Generation Y employment for UNDP. Before to this she has worked as a Management Consultant with European Commission project UK. She has obtained her MS, MRes and PhD degrees from UK and was a winner of the prestigious and competitive Vice Chancellor scholarship: ‘Developing Solutions international scholarship’ at the University of Nottingham. She was an International Students Ambassador at the University of Nottingham, Elected President of UNICEF on campus team at Nottingham University and was also an international ambassador at the University of Bristol UK. Here she is to guide you on subjects like MBA, Sociology, Psychology, Study abroad, Business and Entrepreneurship.
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Dr. K.V Anand is a PhD in Counseling Psychology from Fort Jones University USA with MSc In Applied Psychology and MS in Psychotherapy. He is an expert in psychometric tests to facilitate awareness about various psychological traits, personality, skills, aptitude etc. He is a Certified Motivation trainer and personality development trainer. He is experienced in evaluating of psychology or psychiatry cases. Uses Psychometric tests such as personality, bipolar disorder test evaluation, student counseling. He has more than 9 years experience in soft skill training field covering career guidance, education, motivation, personality development, team building, leadership skills, stress management, conflict management, decision making. Beside this he is a active writer and have books related to psychology under his name such as “Adolescence mental Problems” and ”Infant and Child Psychology”
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