
Keshab T

What is a typical salary structure of an average Graphics Designer?

I curious to get this answer

by Keshab T
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RE: What is a typical salary structure of an average Graphics Designer?

Jyoti B Dhingra
Jyoti B Dhingra
Verified Career Expert
Education, Sports & Relationship Counselor
  • Mumbai

Hi Dear,

You have asked a very good question. Interesting fact is that there is a lot of difference in the salaries of graphic designers in our country India and abroad. Since you have not mentioned the place i would like start from abroad.

On an average, Graphic designers get around $48,000+ from a range that runs from a low of $26,000+ to a high of $74,000. Their biggest employers are the federal government, the movie industry and aerospace industry.

For people with the aptitude and talent for it, graphic design is certainly one of the most exciting , competitive and challenging careers around especially in this age of computers and the internet, then that is graphic designer salary ranks among the best in the field.

- $48,000 Low
- $60,000 Mid
- $74,000 High

The highest graphic designers salary comes from the federal government around $75,000+, Amusement and entertainment groups $65,000+ and the computer and related industries $64,000+.

From companies where most designers are employed, salaries are also competitive. At specialized design service companies, designers get around $50,000+ while the print publication companies pay their designers around $42,000+. Advertising and other related industries pay $49,000+. However there are differences in the graphic designer salary scale according to their region. In California, New York, Maryland and Connecticut, the pay goes as high as $55,000+ and a low of $51,000+ compared to other states.

In India salaries for Graphic designers vary from their level of responsibility, experience, training and the industry in which they work. Starting salary for freshers is about Rs 7000 to 10,0000 with experience and ability salary increases. Those with creativity salary is not a constraint. On an average the salaries of the candidates for the job of graphic designer cum web designer vary between 1,25,000 to 3,00,000.

The salary structure in India -

- Rs 190k 25th Percentile
- Rs 275k Median
- Rs 415k 75th Percentile

Hope the above information will satisfy your question. All the best to you.

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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