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To identify whether you have right interest and aptitude to be a graphic designer , it is strongly recommended that get your psychometric assessment done. Psychometric assessment involves assessing the unique profile of an individual in terms of aptitude, interests and personality. The assessment is anlayzed by psychologists and experts in the field of career counselling. As to be successful graphic designer one needs to have a creative bend of mind, good drawing skills, good aesthetic sense, acertian way of seeing and appreciating the way things look or are arrange in relation to each other and excellent working knowledge of computer. Through personality , interest and aptitude assessment it will be easier to assess the above mentioned traits. The career counsellor after thorugh analysis of your assessment will counsel and guide you as to what are the suitable carer optins for you. If during assessment it is found that you can make acareer in graphic design than counsellor will guide you to take a right career path to be successful as graphic designer
If you have the creativity and skills to think out of box, you are indeed a creative person. If you love playing with designs and color combinations, and can dream of something different, you are made for Designing. If you love to use computers and have the passion for the creative tools, you indeed have the right blend of skills, creativity and talent to become a Graphic Designer. In such a case, you can opt for the graphic design programs and can build your bright future!
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FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Mrs. Halima is a postgraduate in psychology from Osmania University and a International Diploma in Guidance & Counseling in collaboration with COL, Canada. She posses Enormous experience in Academic and Psychological Counseling and had done Project on “Counseling & Guidance using ACA & APA standards “, “Motivation to enhance academic achievements”,” Comparative analysis of Self Confidence of undergraduate boys & girls”. She had worked as an Academic Research Associate at Indian Institute of Management, Indore. She specializes in educational, career and academic counseling and guidance, Organizational behavior.
Founder at Crafting Nuru Schools and Trades
I am a designer by profession and an artist by heart. I believe in design as a problem solving process and am interested in solving social problems through system thinking. My professional experience lies in Design Research and core Visual Communication Design: Graphic, web-design, film & video communication, design training to artisans and creative workshops with children. Specialties: Design Thinking and Management, Visual narratives, Motion Pictures and Video Communication, Interaction design, Experience Design, Interdisciplinary design, Design Research and Designing for Children
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Mr. Prathamesh is a Certified Career Consultant by Psytech International (bps) UK and is also a Certified Trainer for Life Skills; he is pursuing Narrative Therapy from Adelaide, Australia. He has been in to career counseling for more than 8 years now he practices MINDFULNESS psychotherapy with students. He possesses vast experience in teaching and career counseling. Currently he is associated with FUEL NGO. He had counseled over laces of students and is a founder director of Canvas Career Consultancy, committed to conduct Psychometric assessments for students and do career counseling by making them aware about new career avenues
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