
Karam Vir Kumar

What is the eligibility criteria to be a Geographer?

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by Karam Vir Kumar
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RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Geographer?

Jyoti B Dhingra
Jyoti B Dhingra
Verified Career Expert
Education, Sports & Relationship Counselor
  • Mumbai


Basic eligibility required for becoming a Geographer is you must pass the higher secondary school ( 10+2 ) if you are seeking admission in this field. This will help you take admission in doing Graduation. The eligibility criteria for pursuing master's degree is holding a graduation degree in any discipline.

Other things important for this field are probing and perceptive mind, keen observation, analytically and logical thinking , computer skills are the much needed qualities. Interest in Mathematics and science can help one to be good in this profession. Communication skills also play an important role. One should be physically fit and healthy to work in any situation. The person should enjoy travelling, reading, studying and working independently. You may have to work in remote places so you need to be strong enough to be able to take it.

Geography is the study of different factors such as land utilization, population, climate, soil vegetation and industries across the world. Geography consists of two branches, namely, physical geography and human geography, people specialized in the field of Geography are known as Geographers.

It includes analyzing materials, organisms, structures and processes of the earth. The work of Geologists is to understand the past history of our planet in order to visualize the processes of the past and future.

The various courses under Geography / Geology are listed below-

-Bachelor of Arts in Geography
- Bachelor of Arts Honors in Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Geography
- Bachelor of Arts Honors in Geology
- Bachelor of Science in Geology
- Master of Arts in Geography
- Master of Science in Geography
- Master of Philosophy in Geology
- Master of Science in Geology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Geography
- Doctor of Philosophy in Geology

There are various specializations also, namely-

- Behavioral Geography
- Cultural Geography
- Economic Geography
- Demography Geography
- Development Geography
- Feminist Geography
- Health Geography
- Geochemistry
- Economic Geology
- Geophysics
- Isotope Geology
- Marine Geology
- Structural Geology
- Hydrogeology

I think the above information will help you to a great extent and you can move ahead in career with full confidence.

ALL THE BEST !!!!!!!!!
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