

Who are famous personalities in Chemical engineering and what skills made them successful?

Can you name few with details

by Ridhi
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RE: Who are famous personalities in Chemical engineering and what skills made them successful?

Vanitha Puram
Vanitha Puram
Verified Career Expert
Career Counselor
  • Delhi


Well , when we talk about the famous personalities in Chemical Engineering - then there are enormous people from centuries and ages doing different discovering, and contributing to the World and Human Development.
Still, i selected few scientist for understanding and their contributions -

Edward Teller(Hungarian Born American Physicist) - Known as father of Hydrogen Bomb. He was gifted in mathematics and physics.
Man Mohan Sharma (Indian Physicist)-Eminent Indian Chemical Engineer, and 1st Indian to be selected as Fellow of Royal Society, UK- an honourable position awarded to an Indian for his dedicated work.
Willaim Hultz Walker - Pioneer in teaching Chemical Engineering. Co- Authored the 1st American textbook of Chemical Engineering "Principal of Chemical Engineering" published in year 1924.
Lewis Urry - Inventor of long- lasting Alkaline Batteries, while working with EverReady Company.
Ramesh Mashelkar(Indian Scientist)- Leading architect of India's science and technology policies for Post-Liberalised India. Path- Breaking contribution in Transport Phenomena and Thermodynamics of swelling, super swelling and shrinking polymers, modelling of polymerization of reactors, and engineering analysis of Non-Newtonian flows.
Warren.K. Lewis - American Chemical Engineering professor, also known as "Father of Modern Chemical Engineering". Defined the field of Chemical Engineering in its early development, and co-developed the Houdry process of petroleum refining.

Their skills, that made them successful - was being focused, perseverance, opportunistic, keen learner, detail understanding of their each and every work, experiments and researches. Moreover, had a broader perspective, more futuristic and giver to the world.

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