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Electronics Engineer - Career Queries

Hello, A very interesting question asked by you. Generally, we see [Electronic Engineers][1] domainte few Industry like: - [Automobiles][2] - [Aerospace][3] - [Defense][4] - [Electronics][5] Since these were the only gadget driven industry which required engineers of your caliber. So these Industry does and will always have openings for your caliber. But since this is a modern gadget world, so every industry has expaneded to the help of gadgets and tgus help is required of engineers like you. As an eg, The FMCG groups or the retail industry. Most or rather all of them would require t

Hi dev,[An electronics engineer][1] can get a [job in Central Government, State Governments and their sponsored corporations in public enterprises][2] and the [private organizations][3] like All India Radio, Indian Telephone Industries, MTNL, National Physical Laboratories, AIR, Civil Aviation Department; Post and Telegraph Department; Co-ordination Department, National Physical Laboratory, Bharat Electronics Limited, Development Centers in various States etc. dealing in manufacture, sales and services of electronics consumer goods and appliances.They also get placed in entertainment transmiss

If you want to become a professor in Electronics Engineering, you need to meet certain criteria which have been mentioned as below:1. You need to have a Ph.D. in the Electronics Engineering field as that is the most essential criteria in most of the universities. These universities will not allow you the job of a professor without having Ph.D. degree in your hands. Therefore you need to have that first.2. In case you do not have a Ph.D. and only a Masters degree in the field of Electronics Engineering you can still find the job of professor in some of the private universities or colleges. Plea

As an electronic engineer, I often get asked about my work. People are curious about what I do and how I do it. There are many misconceptions about electronic engineers and their work. In this blog, I will dispel some of the most common myths about electronic engineers. Myth #1: Electronics engineers are always working with computers This is one of the most common myths about electronic engineers. People assume that we are always working with computers, but this is not the case. We often work with other types of electronic equipment, such as radios, televisions, and other types of electronic d

Hello Gregorio , I would also recommend you to go to go through this article which would giv you more detailed idea on work related activities which an electronics engineer do: /ask#72!Electronics Engineering All the best !

Hi Garima,You must have developed sufficient expertise in some of the Designing Softwares used for designing auto components in your last occupation. Highlight it and make a professional resume.Use the factory's name as your last employer(never mind the job-type- full time/part time/ free lancer). Explore the possibilities, there after.Regards,Sumit

Dear aspirant Thank you for approaching counsellors at [][1]. A [career in electronics is highly rewarding][2] as human life cannot ever function due to the usage of electronic items in present day life. As an electronics graduate you have two options. One is to become a teacher or a lecturer that is to work in the education industry. And the other is to work for corporate companies. You should carefully choose what you like to do and pursue a career accordingly. 1. Education sector: If you want a career as a teacher you can definitely become a teacher with a [BTech El

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I guess you are confused not depressed------------Many agencies are available for offshore placement (UAE-dubai) even in India just post your good resume and get the response you will be rated by good package.Just explore: and many more web portals are availableApart from these portal support you can initiate your own entnerprenuership with the support of available financial support under the ages of skilled workers offered by Govt of India. Further you are advised to continue your higher studies -B.Tech/BE wherein you will be given more priories being core engineer but

Move your eyes around and you will find electronics everywhere-Laptops, TV, washing Machines, Microwaves etc. We cannot think of our life without the electronics gadgets now. It covers a wide range of applications which makes our life easier and enjoyable. Electronics Engineering

Electronics have revolutionized the world. Think about the number of high tech devices you own and use; iPod, Cell Phone, Personal computer etc. All are driven by electronic components. In fact, the possibilities for high tech electronics and their impact on our lives are held back only by the lack of people with the right skills to implement the technology. Electronics plays a major role in countries economy for they increase the production in industries like oil, energy, agriculture etc. The safeties in transportation, factories and mines and in homes rely heavily on electronics. Electronics

VLSI is very large scale integrated electronics. VLSI though is a part of the electronics engineering, but the two are not the same. Let be elaborate it for the better understanding. Electronics Engineering is an engineering discipline where you study the various electronics components be it transistor, diode, integrated circuits etc. The integrated circuits have been quite an interesting field in the last few years as it makes possible for the engineer to design the large circuits in a small area. The efficient mechanism helps to improve the overall performance of the circuit. Therefore

Move your eyes around and you will find electronics everywhere- Laptops, TV, Washing machines, microwaves etc. We cannot think of our life without the electronic gadgets now. It covers a wide range of applications which make our life easier and enjoyable. Similarly, look at the role of communication in our lives and how fast the communication systems and networks have grown in past few years. Can we think of living without mobile phones, facebook, internet and entertainment transmissions. From necessities to comforts and to entertainment electronics and communication rules the world. Electroni