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Hello Pankaj I think what you wish to ask is how to apply for internship in HR specialization. Many companies approach colleges and universities for hiring students for internships for a period of two to six months. You shall prepare well and appear for rounds scheduled by these companies. If you want to try on your own, you should be applying for internship on company portals. Almost every MNC has 'Students' section in hiring related page of the website and they provide information related to internship. You may submit your application and resume through the website. All the best.
If you are preparing well with dedication, then you can easily crack the UGC NET Exam. There are some key points that you should keep in mind while preparing for NET exam. 1. Note down the complete syllabus of the UGC NET Exam. 2. Get the complete information for the UGC NET exam pattern.3. Use some best books for preparation. The chosen books must contain the test papers and all the important topics which you want to read.4. Solve question papers to find the difficulty level of the exam you can also take help from UGC NET Result to know about the previous year cut-offs and results. 5.
Dear student, Generally MBA college itself provides internship opportunities to students. Companies conduct various rounds like aptitute test and interview for recruiting interns. However, if you want too try on your own, you shall check portals of all MNC's. The website has a section for students on recruitment page. You will get all the information related to projects and internship on this page. You may start by submitting online application and resume on the Website of pharmacy companies you wish to work for. All the best.
Dear Sangeeta, I am glad to see that you wish to pursue doctorate I.e.Ph.D. in the field of nursing. For pursuing Ph.D., one must be a post graduate and cear the pet exam I.e. entrance exam. Hence, you shall pursue post graduation first and prepare for the entrance exam. All the best
Dear Rakesh It's indeed a pleasant surprise to see a question regarding clean environment. First of all I would like to congratulate you for being concerned towards nature. Everyday we perform certain activities in a routine manner which may lead to pollution and by changing our small habits we can keep the environment clean. Few daily habits that can be easily changed are - Carrying a bag made of paper or fabric. You can thus avoid use of plastic bag that leads to soil pollution. - Sharing vehicle or using public transport. Walking if the distance is less than a kilometer/half ki
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Teacher at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Bokaro
PhD Organizational Psychology
Career Counselor, Career Transition Coach, Career Management Mentor
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder - ReInventions (Professional Banker, Career & Image Coach
Consulting Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Career Coach & Chief Operating Officer at HR Power House
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