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In kerala which all institutions offer this course? how scopeful is this course
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Hi There,
A cardiac Perfusion technologists is a specialized team who works in sync with doctors during surgery.They are the ones who operates artificial ventilation, pumping of the blood, respiration etc, vital to help the surgeon perform during the surgery. After mentioning the role a Perfusion technologists play, I do not think I need to elaborate on its scope.
As far as the lists of Colleges especially in Kerela, I could just locate one, but there are many colleges in the entire south, especially Bangalore providing the course. So best would be to keep your options open if you are interested in studying this 3 years Graduation course.
Hope this helps.
Wish you good luck.....................
Dear Student,
Thanks for writing to!
First of all Cardiac Perfusionist job is very much in demand among the Health Care Services and Multispeciality Hospitals due to ever increasing Cardiac related diseases in India. India has major death rates and Coronary heart disease related deaths/ surgeries amongst the developing countries mainly because of the lifestyle and work related stress. Hence, the demand of Cardiac Perfusionist will never decrease. they mainly work in operating rooms in hospitals and surgical centers during heart and lung surgery, they also work in ICUs. A perfusionist keeps the surgical team informed of the patient's condition throughout the surgery. One of the main roles performed by Perfusionist is to operate the heart-lung machine that keeps a patient alive during serious procedures such as open-heart surgery. Perfusionists are also key personnel in placing and managing patients on ventricular assist devices as a bridge to recovery or heart transplantation and supporting patients receiving lung or liver transplants. Their work hours vary as they must answer the call of surgical and medical emergencies when needed. In this sense, a career as a perfusionist means committing to be available at all times.Hence, if you are firm to be available at on-call at any time of the day around the year, then this field is apt for you as it demands great amount of dedication and commitment. Also, it requires an individual to be very sharp at observation skills.
The list of colleges is already mentioned and very accurately explained by Career Expert Ms. Meghna.
Do write back to us for any further assistance!
Thanks & Regards,Dr. Apurva Kumar Pandya, PhD
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