Hi There,
The definition of settlement varies from individual to individual.
For some moving up the ladder and craving for more and more progress is settlement, and for some just working defines settlement.
Firstly, here I would like you to ask yourself,
- what kind of a role are you looking at???
- What are your career goals???
Answering the above question will help you decide where exactly you would like to excel at an which field is important to help you reach that goal.
Instead of hop, skip and jump, I would suggests, you to undergo an Aptitude tests and based on the results discu
Dear Aspirant,
Thanks for approaching us at [CareerGuide.com!][1]
Good to have your frank opinion.
MSc is the most appropriate course for you. Please remove the great misconception that doing MSc can lead to only teaching jobs. [MSc is a very respected][2] qualification and if you choose the specialisation carefully, I do not see any reason that you will repent in your career.
You have not mentioned in [what are you doing your BSc][3]: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc? Based on that you can get MSc entry for specialisation.
Best wishes,
Dr. Anand Wadadekar
[1]: /
[2]: /ask/t/prof
Dear Aspirant,
Confusion is natural considering that there are innumerable of career options these days.
There are scientific methods to know what career option will be suitable to you. For that you need to know what are your strengths, passion areas, likings, etc. These are very important to be know since if you choose a career based on these factors, then there are very less chances of getting into a wrong career.
To be best sure of what suits you for your career, I would suggest you to undergo a Online Psychometric Test from CareerGuide which will help you understand yourself in respect of
Dear Aspirant,
The best option for you is to get a scientific assessment done about yourself and your capabilities, liking, interests.
Nice to know that you wish to remain in the [finance sector][1]. I would suggest that for being in the [finance sector and have a good position as well as growt][2]h, a strong finance qualification is a must. [CA,][3] CFA, MBA Finance are some of them.
You can look for career courses in Securities market as well.
To be best sure of [what suits you for your career][4], I would suggest you to undergo an [online psychometric test][5] from CareerGuide which w
thanks @meghnamukherjee for replying @pksikki
Here wanted to share similar question with names of BCA colleges:
Dear Aspirant,
Please let us know your under graduate degree, based on which we will be able to guide you perfectly. We will surely help you in your career development and give you right and well informed and scientific solutions.
Best wishes,
Dr. Anand Wadadekar
Dear Aspirant,
Glad to know that you are wishing upscale your career and appear for RBI examinations.
Do not lose heart Anima! Failure does not mean end, since the examinations are very competitive, not everybody can pass.
I would suggest you to join a coaching class for RBI exams. The classes will help you to gain confidence, make you practice and help you gain maturity to clear the exams.
You can also think for attempting the SBI PO examinations.
Best wishes,
Dr. Anand Wadadekar
Dear Aspirant,
Choosing a career has not been easy for anyone, exceptions are there.
Choosing a right career is very important. I believe that you need to discover yourself to discover your career. To discover your career, you need to know exactly about yourself.
To be best sure of what suits you for your career, I would suggest you to undergo an online psychometric test from CareerGuide which will help you understand yourself in respect of your strengths, weaknesses, emotional quotient, etc. and will exactly tell you which stream is good for you.
You can then call counsellors to discuss.
Dear Aspirant,
Integrated BTech+MTech would be a good option. Poornima University is a good University.
Best wishes,
Dr. Anand Wadadekar
IGNOU should be right for psychology courses. However I would NOT recommend at all for doing any courses - as even suggsted by @anandwadadekar MBA is complete in itself - even want to do any courses should be done when in work to grow further.
IMHO Psychology course will not do any benefit - stick to your MBA + Do Internships + Take part in as many workshops in college/outside.
Dear Aspirant,
Teaching IT and Computers is a good career option. On the basis of your current qualification you can get teaching jobs in colleges and schools.
To be best sure of what suits you for your career, I would suggest you to undergo an online psychometric test from CareerGuide which will help you understand yourself in respect of your strengths, weaknesses, emotional quotient, etc. and will exactly tell you which stream is good for you.
Best wishes,
Dr. Anand Wadadekar
Dear aspirant, great that you have passes 12 standard in science subjects. Now you are pursuing BA in Sociology. The best career for you will be where in which you have interest. Sociology is a good subject and it relates to the study of social sciences. The study of human social behavior, its origin, development, organizations and institutions.
Courses-after-12th.jpg850x315 45.5 KB
After completing your graduation, it will be good and advisable for you to pursue masters degree in sociology. The reasons are that for a good job and to understand a subject deeply, it is important
Hello You have studied subjects from varied disciplines. And most of all it is very appreciating to see you have constructed an enormous amount of work experience. Your first degree is in Zoology, and since studying it you haven't worked in any job related to Zoology. Soon after Bachelors you have entered into GNIIT and MCA, wherein both are about computers. Again, there is no work experience related to computer career. But you have gained almost more than 10 years in Accounting and finance. This is definitely a wov factor and you must be treated as a Business Professional now. Consi
Dear student, good to hear [you have decided on your BBA as your first option][1].
[1] To be honest with my reply, I would say study a course that you love and believe you will love all your life. When you study your subject with utmost interest, hard work and dedication that itself will take you to heights thereby increasing your chances of getting job post studies. Studnets generally think only some courses are productive and pay high with a stable job where as others not. This thought is totally wrong. Every subject will give you a stable career with good pay and high job prospects but it
Dear Anubha,Your query is one of the most unique and surprising queries I have seen in my career counselling experience of more than ten years. I infact thank you for approaching CareerGuide.com for seeking guidance on this unique query about your career development.By terming it 'mercy' you are indicating that you are likely to get the three year graduation degree through unofficial means. As far as the degree which you get is legally valid and verifiable, you wont face any problem, but I can definitely say that you will face problems in higher education and while going for job interviews.Whe
This is the existing confusion for all students who have taken the 12th Science stream.
Both the professions are quite lucrative.
But mind you these days getting a job in both the fields is extremely difficult, since there are many in a lot. What is something different in you that you must be employed.
[Medical][1] is a 5 1/2 years course, post 12th. Please note that these days internship is for a year, making it a 61/2 year course. Looking forward there is no scope just being a General Practitioner, unless you wish to open your clinic and start practicing. So doing a PG is important.
Hi There,
Just went through the CEC website, and was confused. Though it says it is a virtual medium of learning, but does not stress more on their curriculum and outcome.
So best would be for you to rethink on your decision.
As far as [BBA and MBA is concerned, both are management degree][1], BBA being a 3 years Undergraduate course, whereas MBA being a Post Graduate management study for 2 years after you Graduate.
[BBA is affiliated to the Pune university.][2] Hence the 3 years course would noty only be theoretical but will also include a lot of presentations and internship, the best way t
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Finding a right career for oneself is one the most difficult task that one has to do. If a right decision is taken then the student need not worry but one wrong career decision can lead to repentance of the entire life.
It assesses students on different parameters like **Aptitude, Interest, Motivators and Personality** and in an objective manner **lists down the top three career preferences** for him. The career preferences are given by combining all the parameters and under each career preference the occupations that the student can opt for are given to him or her. The top three career
David's battery of differential abilities tests
Aptitude Section david's battery of differential abilities
- Aptitude section has been tailor-made and customized according to the basic abilities required to study the four subject streams. This was an effort of Psychologists Career Counselors and subject matter experts. Tests like DAT (Differential Aptitude Test Battery) and DBDA (David's Battery of Differential Aptitudes) were studied.
DBDA is the closest matching basis of the Aptitudes selected. DAT takes more time as compared to DBDA in administration and scoring. Ease of application a