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Hello Manish, Every problem has 2 solutions. One is to quit and second is to persevere. Choice is hers completely. I can understand that its a struggle because of continuous failure. I would suggest she starts an internship under a CA and know what the work is all about and then if she is interested she can continue. Incase she is a student, then probably a good coaching can be helpful. I would suggest few more tries. Failure is a part of this professional course and please note best to best student also faces many attempts. Hope this helps. Wish you good luck..
Register on websites such as They might ask you to get a Work-from-Home certification. Ask them about available opportunities, and offer your services in suitable sectors. You can apply for work-from-home jobs posted on their website.
I need to discuss this to you in person. Where/Jow Can I reach you? Best Manoj
At which stage in life do you stand, when you say that it is quite late? Your age, qualifications, skills and opportunities will all count before you arrive at a decision. Take an online assessment test. It is not a panacea for all ills, but it provides strong indicators to the fields where you are likely to succeed, based on your inherent strengths. Speak to a career counselor. Narrow down the choices available based on the opportunities open to you, financial and geographical considerations, marks scored in qualifying exams and courses offered by different universities.
The normal course after a B.Tech are engineering jobs. However, if you would like to do something different, the B.Tech just serves as a basic graduate qualification. You are eligible to apply for armed forces, banking or other jobs. Teaching requires specialized qualifications like a post graduate degree, Ph.D, NEET or B.ed.
CEO, Abhivyakti - the Expression
Lecturer at Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science & SW
16 yrs across 6 sectors (Wellness, Retail, Supply Chain, Financial Services, Education)
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder - ReInventions (Professional Banker, Career & Image Coach
Consulting Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Director at SevenSeers Consulting
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