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Thank you very much madam for your guidance. I had passed banking exam (IBPS) 5 times and gave interview 3 times. But unfortunately I can't get the Job or government sector.. Now I thought, my early education's lowest marks and lack of English proficiency is the reason..
It is a general misconception that some children are born intelligent while most are average and a few below average. Alright! Now I do believe that everybody takes their own time in understanding things and excelling them but is it really true that the maximum number of students who are amazingly good at studies born that way? I don’t think so! What is it that smart students have that others don’t have in them? Let me tell you what is it that makes them do exceptionally well as compared to other students. They engage in classrooms Smart students just don’t sit
A degree in any stream is the minimum qualification to apply for a job in Government, Banking or Insurance sector. The question is what interests you, and what would you like to do? You are just beginning life. Make your choices carefully. Consult a career coach, if required. You have the option to take up postgraduate courses in Chemistry or Chemical Technology. pursue a MBA pursue any other course that interests you, even if it is not related to the Science stream. take up a job, and pursue part-time courses.
This is your first step to a future career. What is it that you would like to do? B.Com (Hons) is a general degree that can take you to a CA, ICWA, CS, MBA, MCom etc. The careers can be in core finance, teaching, research, economics, sales or administration. BBA takes you to MBA, and a corporate career, or a family business. Get a personality assessment to get an idea about your core strengths. It will provide indicators to making a good choice.
Hi, Yes, you can apply for jobs. There are many jobs in both Private and Government Sector. I will suggest you go through Government Sector and prepare for Bank Jobs. You can start preparing for IBPS Exams. As there are many scopes in the Banking Sector. You can apply for PO, SO, Clerk. You can also apply for Private Bank jobs if you are interested in it. Thanks
Bachelor of Vocational Training courses combine academics with skill development in certain sectors. Check out the following weblinks / A B.Voc in Banking Operations means that you will be prepared for a back-office job in the banking sector. Banking operations encompass all the transactions made in a bank, pertaining to their various business streams. The Ops team has to execute transactions, draw reports, analyze trends, submit MIS statements, ensure fraud prevention, errors and security of data - all in complianc
CEO, Abhivyakti - the Expression
Lecturer at Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science & SW
16 yrs across 6 sectors (Wellness, Retail, Supply Chain, Financial Services, Education)
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder - ReInventions (Professional Banker, Career & Image Coach
Consulting Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Director at SevenSeers Consulting
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