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Since years, it has been believed that if a student has a good academic record, he is bound to do good in future. Students are often taught to focus on their studies and in the mean-time, they lose a chance to develop their soft skills. Soft-skills comprise of skills in communication, leadership, management, attitude, character traits, emotional quotient etc. There is no denying the fact that technical skills are required to excel in a field, for example. A teacher should know her subjects well, a doctor should have knowledge of his field, an engineer should be confident about his technical suggestions etc. However, would you like to get taught by a teacher who is friendly, confident and calmly answers your questions or the one who has unpleasant demeanor, short tempered and extremely strict to the students? Here lies the difference of soft skills in the teacher. After the technical skills, it is the soft skills that make people successful in their field.
For any Confusion Regarding Career Paths – Take here: Psychometric Career Tests including Ideal Career Test
Is the student having soft skill gap?
First of all, it is required to understand whether a student is lacking in specific soft skill and how useful it can be in his selected career. For example, if a student is a journalist, he needs to be extremely confident with his communication skills. A doctor should be able to convince his patients and make them have faith in him. Different soft skills are required in different career fields. Once a student has selected a career, he should know about his strengths and weaknesses which will further help him to realize his pain points. He can also take help of a career counsellor who will tell the areas where he is lacking and how he can improve them.
Importance of soft skills for professionals
Professionals need soft skills for the growth in their career. Without these, they can learn the technicalities of the jobs but are unable to use them appropriately. For example, if a company has employees with lesser soft skills, it is unable to use its technical expertise to the fullest potential. With soft skills gap, employees can lead to lesser retention of the clients since these days, major communication with the clients is handled by the same employee who is working in the technical work for the project. If he is unable to make the client understand the importance and relevance of whatever he is doing, then the company is at a big loss. Also, working in teams, being able to present ideas in a presentation form, being able to write emails, resolving conflicts etc. are the soft skills that are much required at a workplace for any employee.
How can soft skills be improved?
Improving soft skills is much easier at a young age as compared to older age. Students can learn it, and implement it easily. Parents should also motivate their children to be confident and improve their soft skills. Students can take participation in different extra-curricular events that take place in their schools. This helps them to learn the skills such as leadership, managing their time, communication with new people, organising their time-tables, having confidence of speaking their ideas in front of others etc. This can help students to grow self-worth and thus be confident in presenting their thoughts in front of others in a way that are easily understandable and relatable to the audience.
Studies have shown that the students who are active in their school-life are mostly good at soft skills and are able to use them in their later professional and career life. Soft skills are mostly a character trait and are not easy to learn but at a young age, students can mould themselves easily. At a later stage, however, it needs lots of patience, sincerity and dedication if a person wants to develop such skills.
In a survey carried out on 1400 CFOs of companies around the world, they mentioned that they rate communication and interpersonal skills more than the technical skills. It has been observed that a person can learn the technical skills at work easily through training and education, however, they can’t learn soft skills which are much required in today’s environment. To assess these skills, many companies have started taking psychometric tests and situational judgment tests of the candidates to understand how good they are in handling different situations.
For further queries and related information, you can approach the Professional Experts at CareerGuide. Hope this will help you!
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Mrs. Halima is a postgraduate in psychology from Osmania University and a International Diploma in Guidance & Counseling in collaboration with COL, Canada. She posses Enormous experience in Academic and Psychological Counseling and had done Project on “Counseling & Guidance using ACA & APA standards “, “Motivation to enhance academic achievements”,” Comparative analysis of Self Confidence of undergraduate boys & girls”. She had worked as an Academic Research Associate at Indian Institute of Management, Indore. She specializes in educational, career and academic counseling and guidance, Organizational behavior.
MD PhD,(CABMM) and University Hospital Zurich
Mr Ajit is an Expert Biomedical Researcher trained in Biomedical engineering and Clinical Medicine. he had working experience with multidisciplinary international basic and clinical researchers.He had also worked in independent project management in clinical research.His outclass contribution in publications related to his field also counts in for his specialization.
Trainer and Psychologist. at Karan Consultants
Ms. Meenu is a Post Graduate in Psychology and P.G Diploma in Educational and Vocational Guidance from N.C.E.R.T Delhi She has about 26 years of work experience in the field of Educational Vocational Guidance and Counseling. She was associated with Delhi Administration schools as Counselor and with Amity International School ,She had conducted many training Programs on Life-Skills & other Modules. She is a National level Resource Person with CBSE on the Project ‘Adolescent Education’ She had also contributed in Counseling Programs / Career Fairs in various Govt. Schools, Communities, Radio and T.V. programs and CBSE Tele Counseling. Her interviews have been published in leading Newspapers & Magazines like India Today, Hindu etc. Currently she is a Freelance Practitioner & has her own Consultancy, Karan Consultants.
CEO, Abhivyakti - the Expression
Vikramaditya Duggal is heading his own organisation - Abhivyakti - the Expression. It specialises in training, coaching and consulting services for people, leadership and organizational development. He is a professional banker. He worked in State Bank of India for 22 years. He held a variety of roles and responsibilities during that period. He took early retirement to pursue his passion in the field of learning and development. He was Assistant General Manager and faculty member in State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad when he took retirement. Thereafter, he worked in Administrative Staff College of India and Centre for Organization Development, Hyderabad where he developed and delivered a variety of programs in the field of Organizational Behaviour. Some of his areas of interest include Leadership – an inside-out approach, Emotional Intelligence, Coaching, Communication & Presentation Skills, Negotiation Skills, Team Building and Work Life Balance. He also has the expertise of conducting Out-bound Learning Activities. He is associated with many organizations as Consultant Trainer. He has delivered more than 20 programmes in Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. In his experience of over 12 years in the field of Learning & Development, he has interacted with more than 11000 participants from public, private, government sectors and NGOs. He facilitates personal and organizational transformation by encouraging people to discover their hidden potential and take responsibility for change.
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