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What are the latest career option after 12th in all stream ?
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Dear Aspirant,
I would NOT like to answer this question since I believe that you are not thinking on the right direction as far as choosing a career is concerned.
There is nothing 'latest' in career streams, you can make it successful for your own self.
I would suggest you to choose your career stream based on what you are and what you can do the best instead of running behind to find what is the best going outside.
I would suggest you to take the Ideal Career Test available on which will enable you to find out the real you and your interests, aptitude, attitude, emotional quotient which are very important to note before choosing a career option among thousands.
Best wishes
Hello Vivek,Welcome to career guide.comThanks for approaching us and writing us your career query.
Career is a crucial aspect of everyones life. Its one of the thing that is going to be with us for our complete life. On the selection of our career many things do matter in our life. Career helps one to earn their bread and butter for oneself and for family for life time.
Selection of an career is to be done very wisely. One should consider some of the factors while selecting a career. Factors like- Ones area of interest, Personality Trait, Strengths and weaknesses etc. In order to select a right career one must go with the Psychometric Career Assessment. These Assessment reports help one to choose a right career option in life.These assessments are very useful to locate the right career option available for us.
Answering your question there are many latest career options available after 12th. You have not mentioned which stream you have been studying. Here are some of the career options i am mentioning for you all career options are not possible to discuss here. Before proceeding further i would like to recommend you to go with the Career Guide.Com's Career Assessment. This will give a clear picture for the selection of career as from your question it seems you are very much confused for the selection of career.
Latest Career Options after 12th-Science- Forensic Science,Bio- Technology,Nanotechnology etc.Commerce- Company Secretary,Financial Analyst,Financial Planner etc.Arts-Corporate or IPR Law,Translator/Interpreter,Mass Communication and Journalism,Event Management and other designing courses etc.
All the above mentioned career options have a wide scope and demand both in India and Abroad.
I hope you find this information relevant to your career query.
Feel free to get in touch again.
Wish you Good Luck.
Thank you
Warm Regards,Prathamesh Kapote
Hi Vivek,
I agree with Dr. Anand, that you have made quite a generic question, which shows you have not yet chosen a career field.
Being inquisitive is another thing, but keeping career options open is quite a risk. You cannot choose a career at the last moment.
Please note that times and career options have changed over a period of time.But not necessarily job markets have expanded in the same way, accommodating the latest option.So you not only should be aware of the latests career options in the market but their scope and job opportunity later on.
As suggested by Dr Anand, for you to make a confirmed choice know your potentials by undertaking an Aptitude tests. But if your question is a means of just information, then probably we can answer it the next time.Please do write back so that your doubt can be cleared.
Hope this helps.Wish you good luck...
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Mrs. Halima is a postgraduate in psychology from Osmania University and a International Diploma in Guidance & Counseling in collaboration with COL, Canada. She posses Enormous experience in Academic and Psychological Counseling and had done Project on “Counseling & Guidance using ACA & APA standards “, “Motivation to enhance academic achievements”,” Comparative analysis of Self Confidence of undergraduate boys & girls”. She had worked as an Academic Research Associate at Indian Institute of Management, Indore. She specializes in educational, career and academic counseling and guidance, Organizational behavior.
MD PhD,(CABMM) and University Hospital Zurich
Mr Ajit is an Expert Biomedical Researcher trained in Biomedical engineering and Clinical Medicine. he had working experience with multidisciplinary international basic and clinical researchers.He had also worked in independent project management in clinical research.His outclass contribution in publications related to his field also counts in for his specialization.
Trainer and Psychologist. at Karan Consultants
Ms. Meenu is a Post Graduate in Psychology and P.G Diploma in Educational and Vocational Guidance from N.C.E.R.T Delhi She has about 26 years of work experience in the field of Educational Vocational Guidance and Counseling. She was associated with Delhi Administration schools as Counselor and with Amity International School ,She had conducted many training Programs on Life-Skills & other Modules. She is a National level Resource Person with CBSE on the Project ‘Adolescent Education’ She had also contributed in Counseling Programs / Career Fairs in various Govt. Schools, Communities, Radio and T.V. programs and CBSE Tele Counseling. Her interviews have been published in leading Newspapers & Magazines like India Today, Hindu etc. Currently she is a Freelance Practitioner & has her own Consultancy, Karan Consultants.
CEO, Abhivyakti - the Expression
Vikramaditya Duggal is heading his own organisation - Abhivyakti - the Expression. It specialises in training, coaching and consulting services for people, leadership and organizational development. He is a professional banker. He worked in State Bank of India for 22 years. He held a variety of roles and responsibilities during that period. He took early retirement to pursue his passion in the field of learning and development. He was Assistant General Manager and faculty member in State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad when he took retirement. Thereafter, he worked in Administrative Staff College of India and Centre for Organization Development, Hyderabad where he developed and delivered a variety of programs in the field of Organizational Behaviour. Some of his areas of interest include Leadership – an inside-out approach, Emotional Intelligence, Coaching, Communication & Presentation Skills, Negotiation Skills, Team Building and Work Life Balance. He also has the expertise of conducting Out-bound Learning Activities. He is associated with many organizations as Consultant Trainer. He has delivered more than 20 programmes in Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. In his experience of over 12 years in the field of Learning & Development, he has interacted with more than 11000 participants from public, private, government sectors and NGOs. He facilitates personal and organizational transformation by encouraging people to discover their hidden potential and take responsibility for change.
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