
Vishal Vasave

What is the eligibility criteria to be a Finance Manager?

Can you clarify this

by Vishal Vasave
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RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Finance Manager?

Preeti Taneja
Preeti Taneja
Verified Career Expert
Dy. Manager Education & Counselling, Welspun India Limited
  • Chandigarh

Acquiring an appropriate professional qualification is the first step towards a successful career. A Bachelor's degree in commerce or economics is a good starting point.

The big three Indian professional bodies offering finance related certification-

Chartered accountancy, cost & work accountancy or company secretaryship allow students to pursue their courses after finishing school by enrolling for the foundation stage without having to wait for completing a bachelor's degree.

certifications available to candidates looking to pursue a career in finance.

Course Designation Institute Main Areas Covered

CA Chartered Accountant ICAI Accounting, Taxation&auditing

CS Company Secretary ICSI Company law

CWA Cost Accountant ICWAI Costing

CFPCM Certified Financial Planner FPSB, India Financial Planning

CFA Chartered Financial Analyst AIMR Portfolio management

CPA Certified Public Accountant AICPA Accountancy & Taxation

MBA Finance Finance Professional Management Institutes

RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Finance Manager?

ali umair
ali umair

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