
Sahil Sharma

What to choose after graduation in Maths ???

Now I am pursuing BSc.(hons.) in Mathematics from BHU ......... I am prepairing too for CAT ........ so my query is that whether it is good to go for MBA or MSc.

by Sahil Sharma
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RE: What to choose after graduation in Maths ???

Halima Sadiya
Halima Sadiya
Verified Career Expert
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
  • Kalyan

Hello Student,

Welcome to careerguide.com, there are unlimited number of opportunities available for mathematics students. Mathematics graduation prepares you for a careers as statistician, operation research analysts, Chartered accountants, banking , teaching etc. Regarding your query , whether M.Sc mathematics or MBA, let me put forward the link between both and avenues thereafter.
M.Sc ( Mathematics ) : This course is generally opted by students to have a masters degree, then pursue Ph.D and then go into the teaching line or become a mathematician or move into operation research analysts. The nature of work involves mathematical modeling, statistical analysis and optimization techniques. These modeling methods develop and interpret information that assists management in planning, policy formulations , decision making and other managerial functions.The advanced knowledge in mathematics gained after masters is in too much demand in corporate and teaching sector as well. You have excellent prospects afterwards, as you can gradually move on to the managerial role with experience and required skills.If you feel solving sums excite, number crunching intrigues you , then your substantial background in mathematics and passion for numbers will land you bigger avenues. You can take up soft skills training to further hone up presentable aspects of your personality. It is advisable to stick and tread this path.
M.B.A. : If you believe that you have the right aptitude , skills, interests, personal charisma etc. to venture into management , then its always open to you, but I would like to suggest you to take up M.B.A. in BANKING and FINANCE. This field would lead to the lucrative world of finance and a broad spectrum of work. Regardless of the domain ( services, manufacturing, retail, logistics etc. ) , all the organisations need financial managers and analysts to take care of their accounts and boost profits.
Apart from that you can take up MCA , if you wish, to work as programmers and in R & D sectors. So , now its your turn to look inside and see which option suits you the best to count upon. You have to decide on the basis of your area of interests, aptitude( that you already posses ) , skills and personality traits.No matter, which one you choose with careful evaluation is going to lead to wonderful prospects. Both are equally good in their own rights... I wish you all the best with your CAT preparations. Hope this answers your query....

Still Have queries ?? Feel free to revert...

Good Luck...

RE: What to choose after graduation in Maths ???

Meghna Mukherjee
Meghna Mukherjee
Verified Career Expert
Counselor at Adaptive Minds
  • Mumbai

Interesting subject to studu further with.

SInce you are pursuing graduation in Math, your base in terms of statistic and reserach would be good.
Not that as a management personnel you would not be able to work.
But preferably doing a further study withy your related field is a better option.
As an M.Sc in Maths, you would be functioning in the same field in terms of better mathematical application and derivation.
Whereas in an MBS, which would mainly ber in terms of Finance, your entire concept would change to application of Financial concept withpit any formulation and reserach.

Assuming that you are pursuing Math grdaution, your statistical analysis, forecast or prediction capacity and research capacity is at the optimum potential.

So prefereably pirsuing an M.Sc in Math or statistic is a viable option.
Typically a Masters program would include:
  • Statistical Research
  • Partial Differentiation Equation
  • Applied Mathematical Research
  • Data Modeling
  • Calculus and Advanved calcalus
  • Probability and Statistics
After a masters program , you could find a job in any sector whether private or government, but mainly a governmnet sector or embasssy.
Since your work will be more related to economic budgeting using statistical tools, the job role assigned would be as a Statistician.

Also since you are into a Math profiling, another upcoming or popular career is Actuarial sciences.
Actuarial Sciences are professionals who predict risks in terms of insurance and or other financial aspects.
After your Graduation, you could opt for a Masters in Actuarial sciences or pursue it from The Actuarial Society of India.

In case you are keen on an MBA program the best option would be to pursue an MBA in Risk management. Since risk management would involves data analysis and statistical counting, which falls in sync with your graduation degree.

You could also further it up with a P.Hd in Maths, for which there would be an entrance etsts and you would have to submit your reserach paper on statistical analysis.

Hope this answers your query.
Wish you good luck..............

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RE: What to choose after graduation in Maths ???

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