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Dietitian - Career Queries

Dear Aspirant, Nutritionist and dietician are different. Although both Nutrition and a Dietetics are interrelated, activities they perform are different. In India, both terms are used interchangeably. **Key differentiators between Nutritionist and a Dietitian** A nutritionist is a person who advises people on dietary matters relating to health, well-being and optimal nutrition. Nutritionists advise individuals the quantity and type of foods that people usually intake to increase or decrease their body mass. Their job profile includes guiding patients or athletes on health problems, allergie

2 answers Vivek Negi in Dietitian category

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5 answers in Dietitian category

Dear Aspirant, Let me add more to gain clarity. Dieticians and Nutritionists are not same. Though the degree remain the same the profession and the role of dieticians and nutritionist differ. Dietician role is restricted to hospitals, hotels, weight lose clinics. They know more about clinical nutrition and therapeutic nutrition. A nutritionist’s role is more diverse in a way. They can move into an array of fields such as scientific research, development field (NGOs, UN organisations), food industry, health care centres, sports complex. Best Wishes, Apurva Kumar Pandya, PhD

4 answers Vivek Negi in Dietitian category

Dear Aspirant, Thanks for writing to us! Academic record of your last degree matters. Some organizations prefer students with at-least first class, however, if you have ability to share knowledge, demonstrate skills then don't worry about academic records. What you need for good job is the conceptual clarity on theories, knowledge key concepts and information about latest trend related to the subject in the market. If you have these, academic record may be overlooked. Ultimately, your performance in an interview matters. You can do certificate or diploma course relevant to your subject. T

3 answers Vivek Negi in Dietitian category

Dear Friend Thank you very much for contacting [][1]. Dietitian is a professions who uses the science of managing food and nutrition to promote the life style. Relatively a new profession, this field has gained importance with the realization that wrong eating habits can lead to many ailments or diseases and that quality of life depends on the quality of food we eat. [Dietitian][2] helps to promote good health through the appropriate eating habits, thereby improving the quality of life. They assist people in counsel and educate them about healthy eating and preparation of food i

1 answer manojjnu Kumar in Dietitian category

Hi priyanka, A [Dietitian][1] is one who recommends good food habits for a better living. Irregular lifestyles and unhealthy food lead to many ailments like Blood Pressure, Diabetes, etc. Job options: There are ample of [job options available for dietitian][2]. You can work with hospital, nursing home or special clinic where you will chart out individual diet plans for the patients.You could even be working with NGOs and government agencies .Research is yet another option you could consider. International organizations like the UN, UNICEF and WHO as well as those that come under the minist

1 answer Adiba Shahab in Dietitian category

Hi There, Looks like you have plans to begin on your own. But before that, do you have the relevant experience to begin with. As such a dietician does consultation and may be associated with many health clinics or hospitals depending on the need and availability. As such you need to opt for a certain cause and offer consultation accordingly. As a freelance Dietetic consultant, you can be associated with various: - Clinics - Health SPA - Fitness Training Institutes - Weight loss Clinics - Hospitals As such being a Consultant, means having your own set-up Anyways even if you have yo

2 answers Meghna Mukherjee in Dietitian category

Hi There, Imagine yourself with a Doctor, whom you go for consultation and he just does not answer any questions you put across to you, how would that be???? The answer to your question is related to the above theory. [A person who comes to a Dietitian][1], definitely comes with an issue, and needs to hear something from the other person especially a professional expertise giving him some hope. Thus communication, both verbally and non-verbally, especially your body language is important. The sign you portray through your body language conveys a lot to the client than your verbal. Thus as

2 answers Renu in Dietitian category

Some more links here to refer too: [Dietician][1] [Nutritionists][2] [1]: /ask/agriculture/dietitian [2]: /ask/agriculture/nutritionists

3 answers Renu in Dietitian category

Dear aspirant Nice to see your interest to become a dietician. But i see you are currently a commerce student right? With this commerce background what influenced your mind to study dietician? Dietician is actually a science subject where as commerce is an arts subject. I am just wondering how you will cope up studying in two different streams and also i am wondering if colleges will admit you to study a dietician course with a commerce background at post graduate level. Let me explain you why you wont be suitable for a [dietician course][1]. To [become a dietician in future][2], students

3 answers Renu in Dietitian category

Best colleges for pursuing MSc in Nutrition and Dietetics course are Lovely Professional University, Pondicheri university etc. You can also join for other related courses like MSc in Food Technology, MSc agriculture etc as per your interest. The good thing about doing masters include the great job opportunities. Some of the universities are offering good placements.

2 answers in Dietitian category

Hi, It is very important to have excellent communication skills if you want to work as a [dietitian][1] in top hospitals. As there are patients from all the ages and with different stages of diseases, they are not in their normal self to accept every thing, so they need some one with [excellent communication skills][2] to counsel them. [Good communication skills help the dietitians and nutritionists][3] to deal with the patients in the hospitals.They usually plan , implement and oversee nutrition and food service programs . They are employed in a variety of settings including hospitals, ex

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Dietitian category

Dear Mr. Anshul, Greeting's for the day!!! After passing your twelfth class, a course in nutrition and dietetics can offer you an exciting career opportunity. A degree in Home Science or Hotel Management would take you to higher levels of knowledge regarding nutrition and dietetics. Conventionally, in India, it is the women who venture into this domain. However, due to ample opportunities these days, men are also pursuing a career in this field. *** ***- Required Skills:*** *** You could follow the steps mentioned below to get hired as a dietician: 1. Keep your knowledge upgraded on l

1 answer Rahul Shinde in Dietitian category

Dear friend, many thanks for your question, here you have not mentioned your academic background and what you are doing at present. The dietician are expert in food and nutrition, they advice people what to eat, what to eat, to lead a healthy life style or achieve a specific health related goal. They work in variety of settings, from personal clinics to hospitals or to social community centers to guide the people. They also supervise meal preparation, and advice according to the age, weight and gender of the person.They prevent and treat illness by promoting healthy eating habits and recommend

2 answers Surabhi Dewra in Dietitian category

Hello Thank you for choosing Mera career guide and writing to us. To pursue a career as a Dietitian, one needs relevant qualification. This requires to have compulsorily studied either PCM- Physics, Chemistry, Biology at high school level or the PCMB - Physics, Chemistry, Math, Biology at the high school level. If you ahve studied a group that has no Biology/ Chemistry concentration then you cannot be able to study any course related to becoming a Dietician. So please ensure you definitely include Biology and Chemistry at your school level. You can study BSc food nutrition or Dietics to b

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Dietitian category

Hi, When we talk about the communication- then its one of the most crucial part of every industry and market.As strong and clear communication has become essential for creating market for any product and brand. Therefore, now a days its important to have very effective, strong and clear communications be it any role in any industry. Now, when we talk about your query - then yes you need to have very good, fluent, flexible and clear communication skills- as it helps to have clear understanding and create clear picture of what you - saying, selling, marketing, conveying to the target people or a

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Dietitian category

Hello Aspirant, Welcome to [CareerGuide.Com][1], You can earn a lot in the next five years as a [dietitian][2] owing to the ever increasing demand for dietitians in private and government sectors. Employment of dietitians is expected to grow faster than the average because of increasing health problems, awareness of people to adopt preventive steps, growth in health care facilities, standardization of food and agro products etc. How much you can earn in the next five years depends on a variety of factors such as your level of education( Diploma, Bachelor's , Masters ), experience, organisati

1 answer Halima Sadiya in Dietitian category

 Hello student ,Welcome to [][1] . The kind of salary a [dietitian][2] depends on a variety of factors such as work profile , professional qualifications, area of work, work hours and employing organisation. The average salary bracket ranges around 15000 to 18000 per month, and gradually increases with experience and practice. In private hospitals, research institutes, Food processing units,Teaching/ Coaching etc . offers good payment where as consultant  dietitians in private practice earn more depending on their efforts. Candidates with Bachelor's or Master's degree

1 answer Halima Sadiya in Dietitian category

   Hello ,  Welcome to [][1], It's the right time to look for a healthy  [career in dietetics][2] on account of increasing health issues due to today's sedentary lifestyles and acclerating stress.  Dietetics is also referred as the " Science and art of human nutritional care " .  Refer to the list of top ten colleges in the world for study of dietetics. Students enrolling in the best colleges of DIETETICS get a lot of benefit of a world class education alongside a bright career prospect.   As per my research( on the basis of ranking and review

1 answer Halima Sadiya in Dietitian category

Dear Oberoi, If you looking for PG courses then, these days an interesting course has come up which can be taken up as PG courses.MBA in Healthcare ManagementHealthcare is a steadily fast growing service sector. The Indian healthcare market is currently estimated at US$35 billion and is expected to reach over US$75 billion by 2012 and US$150 billion by 2017. According to the Investment Commission of India the healthcare sector has experienced phenomenal growth of 12 percent per annum in the last 4 years. Rising income levels and a growing elderly population are all factors that are driving thi

1 answer Swati  Sibal in Dietitian category